Extend the offer

Extend verbal offer
After the offer action has been reviewed and approved in the recruitment management system, a preliminary, verbal offer will be extended to the finalist by HR or the hiring manager in consultation with HR. The preliminary offer contains basic employment terms and explains that employment is conditional upon the successful completion of required pre-employment background checks and verification of education, if applicable. HR will work with the hiring manager to ensure the best offer is made at the outset, as this displays good faith to the applicant. When offering the finalist the position, HR will discuss the total compensation package (in addition to salary) such as paid time off and retirement benefits, along with the learning and development opportunities that are available to help the candidate achieve professional goals. HR is encouraged to be as transparent as possible throughout the process to help build trust and rapport with the candidate. HR should also be proactive and responsive in their communication to the candidate. 

There may be instances when the finalist attempts to negotiate for a higher salary or additional benefits (such as relocation). If further negotiation with the candidate is necessary, HR will partner with the hiring manager to discuss the situation and, potentially, revise the offer. Revised offers of up to 10% more than the posted range are permitted without the need to repost the position. If a posted range was not advertised during recruitment , a revised offer may not exceed the 75th percentile of a job title or job series salary range, without VCU HR approval. A detailed justification for the revised offer must be added to the offer process in the recruitment management system. 

Extend the formal offer
Once negotiations are complete and both the finalist and the university agree to the terms of the offer, HR will send a formal written offer letter, along with accompanying conditions of employment. Both documents indicate employment is contingent upon successful completion of the criminal conviction investigation. The finalist and HR will also determine a date by which a final decision about the offer is expected. The finalist will be encouraged to contact HR with any questions or clarification necessary about the offer or other VCU benefits.

Acceptance of employment
HR will inform the hiring manager when the candidate’s acceptance is received. The candidate may not begin employment until the results of the criminal conviction investigation have cleared and verification of education has been completed, if applicable. VCU makes every effort to provide reasonable safeguards to protect the welfare and safety of its students, patients, employees and visitors. As a part of these efforts, HR performs checks on all new and rehired employees. Criminal conviction investigations are also conducted in connection with certain transfers, promotions and other business needs. Satisfactory completion or failure of the checks will be communicated to the hiring manager as soon as they are available. Review the Criminal Conviction Investigation Policy for more information.

After a verbal offer has been extended and a candidate has accepted the offer, verification of education to confirm the selected candidate has the necessary degree can be completed in conjunction with the background check process.

If a particular degree is required for the position, failure to provide required documentation and/or misrepresentation of professional credentials in any manner may result in revocation of the contract and/or termination of the appointment with VCU. VCU may take steps to verify any documentation provided by the applicant/employee.  


When the criminal conviction investigation is complete with a status of “Meets Company Standards” or fingerprinting reveals no prior records, HR will send a Welcome Letter to the employee that confirms a start date and provides details about new employee orientation, expectations for the first day of work, and links to more information about the university and VCU’s benefits package, etc. HR will also send the employee instructions for completing the employment verification (I-9) process as well as new employee paperwork.

  • When the offer is accepted by a VCU classified employee. All initial employment offers are made as University and Academic Professionals.  However, Classified Staff who are offered a University and Academic Professional position may choose to remain in their current “classified staff” status and, if so, they may request a revised offer. The revised offer must adhere to classified pay practices and a salary increase is limited to a maximum of fifteen percent (15%) more than the employee's current pay. Managers cannot exclude current classified employees from consideration.
    • If a classified employee is selected for an Executive & Senior Administrative position, the individual must become a University employee in order to accept contract employment.
    • University and Academic Professional employees who apply for and accept a different University and Academic Professional position will remain University and Academic Professional employees.
    • Academic faculty (teaching and research) who apply for and accept any University and Academic Professional position must become University and Academic Professionals.
  • When the job offer is declined. If a finalist declines the job offer, the hiring manager has the option to select the next most qualified candidate from the applicant pool. If one does not exist, the posting will be canceled and the hiring manager may choose to repost the position and begin the search anew.

Consistent, transparent, responsive and personalized communication between HR/ the hiring manager and the candidate is extremely important. This helps to build trust and rapport for the candidate, which lays the foundation for a successful employment experience at VCU.

Sign-on bonuses

With consultation from VCU Human Resources or the Office of the Provost/VP for Health Sciences, as applicable, schools/units may offer a sign-on bonus as an incentive to prospective employees.

Schools/units are responsible for funding sign-on bonuses. A sign-on bonus may be appropriate if at least one of the following criteria is met:

  • VCU is competing with another prospective employer, i.e. there is an active, competing offer from another organization
  • The candidate is uniquely qualified or will fill a highly technical or specialized role
  • VCU seeks to bridge any differences in base compensation, such as candidate salary expectations vs. what can be supported, that manifest during the search process.
  • Moving and Relocation expenses need to be offset (i.e. an individual is relocating from greater than 50 miles away). 
  • Standard industry practice dictates sign-on bonuses for the type of position.

Generally, the request to offer a sign-on bonus should be part of the offer process in the recruitment management system.

Instructions: Before completing the Sign-on Bonus Agreement, please read below:

  • The hiring department must complete all information listed in parentheses. If the sign-on bonus is for a University and Academic Professional, reference to nine-month faculty (listed in item 2 of the agreement) may be deleted.
  • All sign-on bonuses require approvals from the respective vice president/dean or designee. In accordance with the Board of Visitors (BOV) bylaws, direct appointments to the President and any “extraordinary” appointment require additional approval from the President.
  • The Sign-on Bonus Agreement must be signed by all applicable parties and is required for processing the bonus.
  • A copy of the completed Sign-on-Bonus Agreement must be submitted to the department's HRP or HRA for processing.
  • Bonus installments will be included with salary payments in regularly scheduled pay periods.  In order for the bonus payment to be made upon hire, the required new hire forms must be submitted in a timely manner. Payment of a sign-on bonus prior to the hire date may be approved by exception by contacting VCU Human Resources or the Office of the Provost/VP for Health Sciences.