Extending or reopening a search


Extend a Search
A search may be extended for the purpose of increasing the number of qualified candidates, women, and minorities in the applicant pool and in cases where a suitable candidate has not been identified during the screening or interviewing process. Additional posting length should be commensurate with the position.

Reopen a Search
In most cases, searches that have been ongoing for a period of six (6) months or more must be closed and a new request to post must be initiated. Departments with positions in specialized disciplines, where there is difficulty identifying qualified applicants, may contact HR to request a posting extension beyond six months (see section above on “Extending a Search”). When a decision is made to revise the PD and qualifications for the position, the current search must be terminated and a new request to post is required. Applicants must then be notified that an administrative decision has been made not to fill the position. Departments may use the email notification templates found in the recruiting system to generate the notice to applicants.  Even though a successful candidate was not identified, any related recruitment documentation must be uploaded to the applicant tracking system.