Close the search process

Upon completion of the offer process, it is important that the position recruitment be properly closed.

Notify applicants of position status
Applicants who were not interviewed will be notified by HR through the online recruitment system as to the filled status of a position for which they applied. It is recommended that the hiring manager contact all candidates who were interviewed to inform them of the hiring decision. Each candidate should be treated with courtesy and sensitivity. Candidates that have progressed in the interview process but not selected as the final hire are likely to be strong candidates for future positions. How you treat candidates affects your ongoing ability to attract and retain qualified employees.

Finalize online recruitment system transactions
After candidates have been notified that the position is filled, the offer process and closing the posting and requisition must be finalized. HR is responsible for this step in the process.

Finalize the offer process

Once the offer has been accepted, ensure the final salary and start date are accurate.

Finalize the posting
Appropriately disposition all candidates and close the position.

Maintain records of the search
To comply with federal requirements, all records pertaining to the recruitment process (i.e., application materials, interview panel and search committee notes, summaries of telephone interviews, interview questions and responses, candidate itineraries, evaluation forms, reference checks, etc.) must be collected and maintained in the online recruitment system for a minimum of three (3) years from the effective date of appointment or when the search was closed, if not filled. During this period, such documentation is subject to review and audit by university, federal and state officials. (NOTE: It is required that search documents be uploaded and maintained in the online recruitment system.)