Career Development Planning

Career conversation modules in Talent@VCU
To prepare employees and their managers to have meaningful conversations about career development, please review the following modules in Talent@VCU “Career Development Conversations mini-sessions for Employees” and “Career Development Conversations mini-sessions for Managers.” The sessions may be found by visiting, hover over the “Learning” tab, select “Learning Search” and search “career conversations.”

All classified staff and University and Academic Professionals create an annual career development plan that includes a goal, at least one objective, and a skill or other learning/development activity that will help employees progress towards the objective. The career plan and goals are developed and evaluated separately from annual performance goals, however the deadlines for completion of both performance and career development goals are the same. The document is located on this page as well as in Talent@VCU under the Career Development tab. 

Career planning is a collaborative process between the employee and their manager, and allows employees to focus on their needs for growth and development. Managers provide support, resources, guidance and other assistance so that employees have the opportunity to grow in their careers. Employee learning and career development may lead to opportunities for employee advancement It fosters workplace engagement and results in employees who are more skilled and productive in their jobs. When employees grow and find joy in doing their jobs, they are more likely to stay longer, creating is a win-win situation for all. 

The resources here provide employees and managers career planning tools, and more information about career development at VCU.


  • Career Development Plan - All classified and University and Academic Professionals will create a plan with a minimum of one career development goal. This goal is separate from the performance management goals that are entered in Talent@VCU during the performance review. The career development goal is collaboratively created between the employee and the manager. Log into Talent@VCU and click the career development tab on the home page. 
    • To access career development resources, log into Talent@VCU and hover over "Career Development," click "Career Development Resources" tab. On this page, you'll find career development modules, downloadable planning worksheets and the career development plan. Learn more about these resources below.
  • Career development e-learning module - This interactive module is approximately 20 minutes. The module will provide important highlights from the policy and guidelines. Classified and University and Academic Professionals may learn more of the "career development" training module in Talent@VCU - Click “learning search” under the “learning” tab to access the module and search for "career development."
  • Career conversation planning checklist - The checklist is a process and timeline document that helps both employees and managers plan for the steps and conversations that will result in a more relevant and well-written career plan.
  • Individual Assessment - This document is optional for employees use. It is designed to allow the individual to personally reflect on their career journey and articulate their values, strengths and interests. This document will allow the employee to consider what drives them the most and be a guiding document to create their career development plan.
  • Manager Assessment - This document is an optional tool for managers to consider the needs of their team members and their career development interests. It can be used as a guide to consider the interest of the team both individually and collectively.
  • Career Development Preplanning Worksheet - The pre-planning worksheet is an optional tool that employees and managers can use after completing their assessments, or on its own, to guide career development conversations and brainstorm interests and possible development goals PRIOR the plan in Talent@VCU.