Identify an interview panel or establish a search committee
Search committees play a vital role in recruiting, evaluating, and recommending the most qualified candidates for employment by the University. Search committee members are often the first University employees that a candidate will meet. Each member has an opportunity to represent the University in a positive manner while carrying out the search in accordance with University policies and procedures.
Note: Search committees or interview panels can be used for University and Academic Professionals. Search committees are often used for Executive and Senior Administrator positions, but not required.
At any point in the process, Human Resources is available for consultation, to answer questions and discuss specific situations, and offer recommendations.
Search Committee Composition
Note: The Search Committee Training is being reviewed as a result of new federal guidance. More details to come.
The hiring manager is responsible for appointing a search committee prior to the start of the recruitment process. The size, composition and scope of the committee will vary based on the specific position under recruitment. However, it is required that the search committee consist of at least three (3) members. For executive and senior administrator searches, the committee size may be larger, reflecting the larger span of stakeholders affected by the hire. The composition of a search committee is key to a broad and inclusive search and should:
- Include individuals with knowledge of the substantive area and the technical expertise to effectively evaluate candidates’ qualifications.
- Include individuals with different backgrounds, perspectives, and expertise.
- Include appropriate stakeholders such as peers of the new hire, supervisors, and those in similar positions. Search committee members can be comprised of VCU faculty and staff, as appropriate for the position. Individuals that are not employed at VCU such as alumni, students, and community partners may serve as representative constituents in the search, but generally should not be considered official members of the search committee.
Typically, direct reports are not included as members of a search committee. However, there may be instances when participation from a direct report on a committee adds value and insight about the position, which may not be represented by other committee members.
Search committee members must have experience that aligns to the purpose and/or qualifications of the advertised position. Each member must understand the nature and level of work required of the position and how the position will contribute to the department or unit. Additionally, all search committee members must possess the skills necessary for planning committee meetings, evaluating prospective candidates and engaging in professional and civil discourse:
- The ability to be creative, multitask and negotiate
- The ability to use Google Calendar or applicable software to schedule meeting and due dates for feedback and evaluation of candidates
- The ability to conduct professional interviews and recognize skills required of the position
- The ability to maintain confidentiality when discussing candidates
- The ability to value and respect contributions of all members of the committee and commit to being in solidarity with other members while achieving consensus in the decision making process.
Once the search committee members agree to serve, and have successfully completed a VCU search committee training, the hiring manager must include a list of committee members during the request to post process. This list should identify the following information of the chair (or co-chairs) and committee members:
- First Name, Last Name, Degree
- Working Title (Rank, if applicable)
- Email Address (
- Date of completion of VCU Search Committee Training
Any changes to the search committee members during the lifecycle of the search must be shared and approved by Human Resources, as applicable. For assistance with search committee member selection, please contact Human Resources.
Roles and responsibilities
The hiring manager has a critical role in recruiting for the position and selecting the candidate that will shape the future of their department, school and university at large. They are responsible for several aspects of the process including ensuring compliance with the prescribed search procedures as provided in these guidelines. The Search Process Checklist (search under forms) outlines the specific responsibilities of the hiring manager. It is strongly recommended this checklist be followed for a consistent and efficient search.
- Establish a detailed position description that describes the goals of the school or business unit, highlights the primary purpose of the position and outlines the position’s core responsibilities and qualifications (optional)
- Carefully and deliberately select a search committee chair and search committee members
- Charge members of the search committee at the initial meeting. A search charge informs committees of their task to recruit, identify qualified applicants and make a recommendation for finalists. In addition, the charge should provide a detailed description of the position and its goals and challenges; the search timeline and the desired skills, knowledge and abilities of successful candidates.
- Actively seek out qualified candidates
- Ensure that search procedures have been followed prior to on-campus interviews beginning (please consult your HR Professional for any questions or concerns)
- Oversee logistics and itineraries for on campus interviews and leverage the assistance of an administrative assistant as needed
- Interview top candidate(s)
- Recommend the hiring of the selected candidate to the next level of authority by completion of the offer process in the recruitment management system, which includes providing a justification for the selected candidate
- Ensure all candidates not selected for the position have been notified accordingly
- Thank search committee members for their service and inform them of results of search (who was hired or not)
- Inform school/division of the new hire and ensure smooth “onboarding” process for the new employee
- Ensure all search documentation (i.e., application materials, screening matrices, search committee notes, summaries of telephone interviews, interview questions and responses, candidate itineraries, evaluation forms, reference checks, search committee chair checklist, etc.) are compiled (electronically in the recruitment management system) and retained in accordance with retention of records requirements
Role of search committee chair
The search committee chair has a significant role in the University and Academic Professional search process providing leadership to ensure an organized, timely, effective, legal, proactive and accountable search. In addition, they serve as the official spokesperson for the committee, ensure the search complies with the institutional policies and applicable laws and coordinate the administrative tasks associated with the search process.
- Review the Search Process Resource Guide
- Serve as the official spokesperson for the committee
- Ensure the search complies with institutional policies and applicable laws
- Coordinate the administrative tasks associated with the search process including using recruitment management system to move applicants/candidates through the workflow (see Talent@VCU wiki )
- Maintain confidentiality of all records associated with the search
- Disclose to the hiring manager any breach of confidentiality or any conflict of interest influencing the search
- Ensure the hiring manager is invited to the initial meeting of the search committee to charge the committee and ask the hiring manager to provide the details of the position including recruitment strategies; expectations of the position; required and preferred knowledge, skills, and abilities; roles in the search process and timeline for hire
- Keep the hiring manager informed of progress of search
- Convene the search committee to review the position description, advertisement and the committee members’ roles in the University and Academic Professional search process
- Distribute the University and Academic Professional search process resources to all search committee members and request they review these documents to ensure they are thoroughly familiar with the details of the university and academic professional search process.
- Remind search committee members that they are required to take the online search committee training located in Talent@VCU
- Note: The Search Committee Training is being reviewed as a result of new federal guidance. More details to come.
- Inform members of the committee to keep the activities and discussions of the search confidential and to not discuss candidates of the position or the committee proceedings with anyone outside of the committee
- Conduct a “Call for Conflicts of Interest” with the members of the committee by asking each committee member if they believe a conflict of interest is present for any reason and at any time in the search process in evaluating any and all candidates for the position
- Examples of potential conflicts are if a committee member is related to a candidate for the position, serves as a reference for a candidate or has a bias that would unfairly influence their decision making in evaluating candidates for the position
- Should a conflict of interest be revealed/identified, the committee member(s) would need to be recused from the committee or from reviewing the applicant/candidate(s) who presents the conflict, as applicable to the conflict
- Document any identified conflict, note the action(s) taken to resolve/avoid the conflict (e.g. committee member recused from deliberations on candidate, referred perceived conflict to hiring manager, etc.) and make the documentation part of the search file
- Discuss with the search committee the process to be used for a confidential review of applications and how applications will be screened to determine which candidates should be interviewed
- Emphasize consistency in the utilization of an objective evaluative process in the review of all candidates for the position
- Utilize a best practice method of an evaluation tool based on the key knowledge, skills and abilities as outlined in the description of the position. Ensure that if the tool is shared (e.g. using Google Docs), it is done so in a confidential manner.
- Discuss with the search committee the process to be used for conducting interviews including any screening interviews (e.g. telephone, video, etc.) in order to narrow down the pool and further assess those candidates for an on-campus interview (this may also include developing screening interview questions)
- Ensure all applicants are asked the same questions. Follow up questions may vary depending on applicants’ answers
- Finalize (or delegate) development of a candidate evaluation tool with agreed upon criteria
- Monitor the applicants in the recruitment management system and ensure all qualified candidates receive committee consideration
- Work with search committee in development of on-campus interview questions and facilitate finalizing of questions
- Coordinate with hiring authority in obtaining references on candidates and verifying credentials, if applicable.
- Coordinate the campus visit itineraries with hiring authority and leverage the help of an administrative assistant as needed
- Attempt to ensure all search committee members are available to participate in campus interviews. While not optimal, campus interviews may still be conducted if entire search committee is unable to participate
- Ensure campus interviews include, at a minimum, one meeting with the search committee and one meeting with the hiring manager. Additional interview forums (presentations, colloquiums, etc.) may be requested as applicable to the position
- After campus interview(s) have been completed, convene the search committee and facilitate discussion of candidates to be recommended to hiring authority
- Inform hiring authority of committee’s recommendation(s) of top candidate(s) (unranked) which should include a discussion of the candidate's strengths and challenges
- Finalize search process including assigning appropriate non-selection codes for applicants
- Ensure applicants who do not meet minimum qualifications for the position are notified of non-selection for the position and in a timely manner
- Ensure candidates interviewed but not hired for the position are provided with a personalized notification of non-selection.
- Ensure relevant search documentation is returned to the hiring department to be filed
- Convene the search committee at conclusion of search to provide an opportunity to debrief on the process as a best practice
Role of search committee
All members on the search committee play a critical role in the search process. They help to shape the future of VCU. They must make the time to commit to the search process and understand the expectations of this role.
Search committee members must:
- Understand and respect the principles of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action
- Take the “Search Committee Training" located in Talent@VCU
- Note: The Search Committee Training is being reviewed as a result of new federal guidance. More details to come.
- Actively seek potential candidates
- Provide input on recruitment strategies
- Attend meetings of the committee and participate in interviews of candidates
- Ensure the activities and discussions of the search are kept confidential during and after the search, which includes not discussing candidates for the position or the committee proceedings with anyone outside of the committee
- Disclose any conflict of interest or bias to the committee and take appropriate action to avoid any potential conflict/bias as appropriate to the situation.
- Examples of potential conflicts are if a committee member is related to a candidate for the position, serves as a reference for a candidate, or has a bias that would unfairly influence the decision making required to fairly evaluate candidates for the position.
- Develop fair and consistent criteria for screening applications.
- Develop interview questions, including screening questions (as applicable) and on-campus interview questions.
- Review each application and be consistent, fair and impartial in assessing applicants.
- Determine which applicant(s) warrant an interview based on qualifications.
- Interview candidates and demonstrate consistency, fairness and impartiality in assessment of applicants selected for an interview.
- Be mindful of biases in the applicant screening and interviewing process such as:
- Stereotyping (myths and first impressions)
- Desiring to clone ideal staff
- Disqualifying candidates who did not receive their degrees from elite institutions
- Using “fit” criteria to exclude candidates
- Evaluating candidates prematurely
- Making judgments on applicants with careers in non-academic settings, the reputation of institutions, or interruptions in work careers
- Make a recommendation of the top candidate(s) to the hiring manager. Transfer all search documents to the search committee chair at the conclusion of the search process.